Torajiro Watanabe, Self Portrait, c.1926

This painting depicts Torajiro Watanabe posing with apalette in one hand while working on a painting. TorajiroWatanabe has exhibited his works at exhibitions of theAssociation of Independent Artists using varioustechniques, including East Asian folding screens, Cubism,and the Ashcan School. In addition to creating artwork,Torajiro was also a critic who contributed sharp artcriticism to Japanese-language newspapers.“The […]

Kikuta Nakagawa, Broken Romance, c.1931

A violin on a music sheet. The strings have been plucked,and the cruelly broken tip of the violin and the roses beside itsuggest what might have happened between the two.Based on an art review in the New York Shimpo, it isbelieved that the work in this exhibition is the same still lifethat was exhibited at […]

Bumpei Usui, Landscape, 1932

This painting is a view of the garden from the window ofKuniyoshi Yasuo’s house in Woodstock. Hanging on the wallis a portrait that appears to be the work of Kuniyoshi Yasuo.This painting was included in a 1934 exhibition at theSyracuse Art Museum.The Japanese-language newspaper wrote, “‘Indoor’ is quiteinteresting in how the table and walls are […]

Bumpei Usui, Interior, 1934

Many artists gathered in Woodstock, an artists’ village at thefoot of the Catskill Mountains, northwest of New York City, toengage in creative activities. This painting of YasuoKuniyoshi’s house in Woodstock won a prize at theWanamaker’s Legion of Honor exhibition in 1934.