Artists gathering Apr. 6, 1928

First row, third from right, Kiyoshi Shimizu, first row, fourth from right, Eitaro Ishigaki, second row, far right, Ayako Ishigaki, third row, second from the right, Bunpei Usui, third row, third from the right, Soichi Kakunan, third row, second from left, Yasuo Kuniyoshi It shows a joyful time of partying with fellow artists.

Photo of artists gathering c. 1920s

Although the date is unknown, this photograph was taken at an artist’s party. Eitaro Ishigaki, second row, far left, and Yasuo Kuniyoshi, second row, fifth from the left, are shown. These photos show that Japanese artists who studied at the Art Students League in the 1920s had close contact with fellow artists working in New […]

Roy Kadowaki, Riverside Drive, c.1938

Based on the title, we can infer this is the same work as the “Hudson River,” exhibited at the 1938 New York City Exhibition. It depicts the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River, which runs along the west side of Manhattan.

Eitaro Ishigaki, Flight, c.1937

A family fleeing war with a baby in their arms is depicted in the foreground, with a man lying on the street to the left. Based on the people’s clothing, this work is believed to portray an event in China.